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Reputation Management

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When you are a striving business professional or the owner of an organized small business, your online reputation can make or break you.
Other brands and users today search online to learn about your brand before choosing to work with you.

According to “whatis.com’ Alcom Digital (ORM) or Reputation Management (Rep Management) is the practice of attempting to shape public perception of a person or organization/business entity by influencing online information about that entity.
It is done through monitoring references to the person or business – online.
Your ORM defines what people think about your business when they search for or come across your business online. ORM proactively influences this opinion.
We manage your Online Reputation with alert monitoring and quick response to any mentions of your business online. Not all social posts and review sites are created equal!
We manage your dealership presence across social networking sites while making sure your online reputation stays intact.

reputation management is an attempt to control what and how people think of a brand or character when viewed online. Reputation is what other people think your brand is, and today it’s based mainly on what artificial intelligence systems describe your business rather than the first-person experience.

Reputations, in general, are exposed to digital attacks, and many types of attacks are likely. An attack by its very structure is suggestive of malicious intent, wherein the attacker actively attempts to create damage to a person, firm, or brand by creating any form of pessimistic or objectionable content that becomes noticeable to the public.

They can be journalists, bloggers, consumers, competitor businesses, or anyone attempting to slander another entity by way of digital content. They could also be anyone publishing damaging content, with or without malicious intent, on any platform – like a critic or disgruntled consumer. It can involve very basic or highly complex forms of aggression, from advertising one article or review to the mass conception of pseudonymous entities to achieve a disproportionately massive influence.

So, it answers the question of why a brand or business should have a reputation management strategy and team in place. As long as a brand has a healthy reputation amongst existing and potential buyers, it would be capable of doing business peacefully. In the time of digital media, a brand should always identify what their clients are speaking about them.

Depending on what customers evaluate, a business should take measures or actions to defend their reputation with Reputation Management Services.

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Our Reputation  Management Services


Your online presence must be kept intact online in tandem with current affairs and trends. What works today might turn controversial tomorrow. Examples include online reviews, brand wars, and so on.


Managing spam, unrequested communications, profile creations, content posts, website attacks, mass injections of comments using pseudonymous entities, or denial-of-service (DOS) attacks on servers to force websites to shut down.


Sometimes an idea can go wrong, a strategy may backlash, a competitor or some entity may publish malicious content, and in other such situations; Damage Control is of utmost importance. Removal of such Content and transforming negative publicity are some forms of Damage Control. 


Press releases, news narratives, and media editorials can be the beginning of a reputation crisis, and they can assist as part of a solution. With proactive tactics in public media relations, press and journalism can become the channel for positive online reputations.


Accurately managing audience conversations and viewpoints on social platforms is often a vital ingredient for guaranteeing a brand-positive online presence. Hence, having a proactive social media management strategy is essential.


The SEO component infiltrates search results among preferred media content to subdue the negative publicity that the brand wants to reduce.  A campaign that does not concentrate on SEO shall fall insufficient in generating the desired positive result.

We’re Here To Help

Why is having a good online reputation necessary at all?

Because the Internet is the new first impression, and people don’t ask for references, they head to Google. Probably the first thing people do, even when speaking to you on the phone or just after meeting you, is conducting a Google search. Anything negative out there can ruin your brand and business quickly. Nearly as essential, having no reputation drives clients to competitors.

How does someone protect a reputation from these attacks?

There must be a clear plan of action to identify and rectify the reputation attacks, the nature of the attack, and its source. The strategy must include search engine optimization tactics, the purpose of which is to get the negative information about a person or company on the internet out of public view.

Why does it take so long?

Supervision of online reputation attacks is very intricate and requires a lot of work on various websites with positive content that outnumbers and outranks the negative content. It may take weeks or months for the new content and keywords to begin ranking higher than the previous negative content.

Will you eliminate all of the negative reviews on the Web?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to eliminate every negative review. An application can be made, to the servers to remove the negative information, but this is not possible in every situation.

Once something is online, is it there always?

Basically, yes. It is ordinarily impossible to remove once it’s on the internet –but continuously try. Because about 92% of people don’t go past the first page, however, shifting the negative information off the first, second, or third page makes it disappear effectively.

How do you fix a damaged reputation?

The best way is to write positive information. Flooding the internet with great and original content works and will ultimately push the negative links off the first page of Google searches. While it might be feasible to remove negative links, images, and content (see below), usually the best strategy is to create targeted, compelling, and well-formulated content, including blog posts, images, and video. But the key is developing a strategy, which includes examining and creating the best content, and most importantly, knowing which platforms to share it on.

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